Evaluation Video Two - You Me At Six - No One Does It Better
The opening scene is an establishing shot showing that the band are in the middle of the desert. In the background there is a song being played quietly. It the next shot of an over the shoulder shot of the band members in the car it becomes apparent that the song is being played on the radio.
The band members are wearing clothes that fit the genre and the iconic as they are of dark colours and represent sadness and the song itself. Slow motion but with short clips that flick to another quickly. I believe this has been used throughout the video as it states the mood of the song being that of a sad and slow song but the quickness in which the events have happened.
The music video uses obscure close ups of objects such as a horse riding into the desert. A shot from the inside of an abandoned shop/house and of a single dead tree in the desert. All of these shot seem at first to have no relation to the video but with an in depth anaylsis it becomes evident that they are relavent and represent certain emotions such as 'lonliness'.
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