Monday, 26 November 2012

Research - Mood Board Genre

When looking in depth into the chosen bands and artist it became evident to me and my group that the ‘Pop’ Bands we had chosen touched on three different sub genres; ‘Alternative-Rock’, ‘Pop-Rock’ and ‘Pop’ as a whole. Upon this discovery I decided that it would be a good idea to create three small mood boards. One for each of the genre/sub genre. I choose to do this so that I could gain a more in depth understanding of the genre and the task that was being set ahead of me. For each mood board I chose band album covers and other things that I incorporated with the genre or things that came to mind that I would associate with the genre. Below are the three mood boards that I created:
 Pop Mood Board:

Above is a small mood board that I created for the genre ‘Pop’. When creating this mood board I incorporated bands that I identified with the ‘Pop’ genre and other things which I though represented the genre. I identified the genre as a happy one that portrayed love as a good thing and represented bright colours.
Pop-Rock Mood Board:

Above is a small mood board that I created for the sub-genre ‘Pop-Rock’. When creating this mood board I incorporated bands that I identified with the ‘Pop-Rock’ sub-genre and other things which I though represented the genre. I identified the sub- genre as a sad one that portrayed love as a sad and gloomy subject and represented dark and dull colours.

Alternate-Rock Mood Board:

Above is a small mood board that I created for the sub-genre ‘Alternate-Rock'. When creating this mood board I incorporated bands that I indentified with the ‘Alternate-Rock’ sub-genre and other things which I though represented the genre. I identified the sub- genre as a inbetween point of the 'Rock' and 'Pop' genre showing portraying happyness and sadness, some with bright colours and some with dull.

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